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[Fwd: Powwow]

Kevin McGrath					
Myrtle Beach SC USA

Shawn C. Meze wrote:
 I can give you my voice
> number or I can give you as much details via e-mail as I can think up
> for you. (oh yeah, your in doitchland. we could do a "POWOW" session or
> something.) Its do-able on your own!
>  Why pay all that extra money on towing and some kook to do a half
> assed job when you can do it yourself and know its done the right way!
> (Right? yeah, thats it....)

You mkght want to downlaod a program called freetel
http://www.freetel.com you need microphone and a sound card and you can
talk to him for free. Also you can type if you don't have a sound card,
but its 1-0n-1 not like PowWow but its great for talking with people
long distances for free. Works pretty well too sometimes its very close
to telephone quality, but it gets hard to conenct to the server
sometimes since its getting popular.

OK enough off topic stuff


Kevin McGrath					
Myrtle Beach SC USA