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Re: Gear oil
On 30 Jan 97 at 0:38, Brian M. Gracek wrote:
> 1.) VHS VCRs were/are more "popular" than Beta...However on a basis
> of performance and quality Beta was/is better.
Can't argue with that......
> 2.) Redline only blends stocks and then lables them "Redline",
> Amsoil designs, engineers and manufactures it's lubricants (or
> contracts their manufacturing to Amsoil specs) using only soy, corn
> and sunflower oils (weird huh) as starting points and then
> polymerizes them for the desired lubricant properties...(in case you
> think it is really weired, consider all petroleum oils were plant
> life millions of years ago).
Interesting facts, thanks.
> In recent four ball wear tests, Redline falls behind Mobil One for
> third place, Amsoil, took first with one third the wear of the
> nearest competitor (M1) (The test was run on 20W-50 synthetic motor
> oils -15W50 for M1 as they don't make a 20W-50 oil)
Did you post this to usenet? Of course, you realize they will want
to know who performed the tests and all that :)
For my part, I wouldn't have any qualms about using Amsoil. For my
trans, I have already gotten the Redline and it's in there. If I
decide to change the gear oil after 5000 miles break in or so (another
debate) I might get Amsoil. Everyone says it's not needed to break
in a rebuilt trans, but Shawn makes sense when saying it wouldn't be
a bad idea. What difference could there be breaking in an engine vs
a trans? None in my mind.
As for my engine, I'm still debating whether it is a good idea to put
synthetics in it with 128K on the odometer for fear of leaks. I just
had the crank seal replaced, but I'd be more willing to try it if the
front seal(s) were new. I'm still trying to decide......
My biggest questions are: Where do I get Amsoil out here in the Seattle
area? I had few options when I was looking for Redline and got raped
$12.95 a quart for the gear oil. Of course, I didn't have the luxury
of time to search in depth. Also, how does it compare pricewise to
Thanks for the info Brian, it sure helps.
Rick hugacub@whidbey.net
85 Scirocco 8V Wolfsburg
Oak Harbor, WA
(On Whidbey Island in the Puget Sound)
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