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Re: Fwd: Engine Swaps..cams q'

On Thu, 25 Dec 1997 00:29:16 +0000 "Ryan Schuermann" <rts@phoenix.net>
>anyone can give me first hand experience..? What's the power and 
>range difference between the G-grind and the 272deg cam in a 1.8L
>JH solid lifter? I've been told the G gives some mid and upper 
>without robbing the low end too much, will the 272 make my low end
>suck? All i've done so far is the audi5000 tbody and custom 3" power 
>pipe. I want to get an exhaust and cam soon.

If your wife is driving the car, you will probably want to go no more
than the G grind. The 272 will give a somewhat lumpy idle on an
unbalanced motor and she WILL complain. (Unless she's really into the
vibrato that a 272 can give...) With the stock motor, the G-grind will
probably be the best route. 
The potterman had the 272 in his Scirocco but he's also got a balanced
bottom end and a PP head that takes full advantage to that cam. it idles
smoother than my Scirocco does with the port matched head and stock
bottom end. 
I had a G-grind in my scirocco (Until I learned it was illegal in DSP)
and the mid and top end was noticeably better. Expect a 8-10hp gain on
the top end. I don't have numbers for you on the 272 but I don't think
you will get the most out of it unless you have the head PP'd. 
Anyways, HTH.

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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