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[Compressor/Alt woes]

84 wolfs

Prob: I have a sh??/ compressor, non yorks. Starts w/ an S____. Samden?
Anyway, the alternator is above the compressor. I've noticed that before
the late '84's they had those yorks compressors ABOVE the alternator. ??

Anyway, the previous owner secured the pivot on the compressor w/ 2 bolts
from a hardware store. Needless to say, they snapped most of the way in.
(same w/ the alternator pivot, but I fixed that). I've got it hocked
together right now, but vibrations and looseness have caused the mounting
holes on the compressor to enlarge, so I get lots of shaking, and it's
just generally not a nice thing to have going on.

Solutions I see: replacement compressor and that big mounting bracket that
holds both the compressor and alternator pivots. I also need the slider
support for the compresor. Mine's partly cracked. :(

Sulution II: Eliminate the compressor, put longer pulley on the alternator
so the offset is right. 

I am leaning towards II. The A/C system is completely discharged as is. II
will save me money until I start working for real in May. About time I

So, my questions are: How much for option I, used parts? (Any swaps?) 
Anyone have these parts layin' around? 



--                                                                 --
     Christopher Mende             ICEMT         O: 515-294-6738 
     www.icemt.iastate.edu           @           F: 515-294-5531  
     bayern.me.iastate.edu    Iowa State Univ    H: 515-292-6658

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