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Re: [Inner CV leaks]

On Sat, 20 Dec 1997 17:00:56 -0600 (CST) Christopher Mende
<csmende@bayern.me.iastate.edu> writes:

>I did notice and clean greenish grease from one of the inner CV's... a
>good number of little splots (cool word, eh?).  How normal is this??

Very normal if your CV boot is ripped or if your CV bolts are loose. I
Don't know if the A1 cv's came with the little gaskets (Mine didn't.) but
A2's have them. (Mine does.) Sometimes the gasket gives way and the
grease is flung that way. In a Scirocco, id be willing to bet the boot is
ripped or has a small tear someplace. it should be easy to spot once you
wipe it down and drive it again. There should be fresh sling marks. in
about the same place as you saw it before. Just be sure to wipe down the
whole area including the boot. 
If your CV bolts are loose, then that's easily fixed as long as you have
the tool for the bolts. 
Slung grease will also tend to make the CV out of balance so if you've
picked up a new vibration then you will know where to look first. A
repack might be in order of it is the bolts loose. id be surprised if it

> I had
>the seals replaced by VW in July, and repacked again in August when I
>the outer CV's replaced... I'm kinda pissed, actually.

I would be too. They should last much longer than 4 months. Id ask who
ever did it what the deal is. They might have left the bolts loose on

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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