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Re: Adjusting CO-mixture and idle....

 I'm about to install a new Oxygen Sensor in my '82 VW Scirocco, and I need
to know how to go about setting the correct mixture or leaning out the 
mixture....either one would be fine even though I prefer the later
 - would improve my gas mileage a little bit....
 Anyway the main reason for all of this is the require "Auto Emissions Test"
so if the mixture is lean it should pass inspection and I should also get
a little bit better gas mileage at the same time....
  I have a Sears Engine Analyzer to work with and it has settings for
 Dwell, RPMS, etc.....and a guiding hand in using it accomplish my purpose
would be helpful....

  '82 VW Scirocco.......

 btw... I have the Hex Adjustment tool for the CO-Mixture already
 |      Etop Udoh          | Southern Polytechnic State University [89-##] |
 |     P.O. Box 4234       |  HTTP://WWW.crl.com/~eudoh/e.htm              |
 | Marietta, Ga 30061-4234 | <<< Eudoh@crl.com] >>>  <<< Eudoh@sct.edu >>> |
 | "....D E N Y   E V E R Y T H I N G   -   T R U S T   N O   O N E...."   |

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