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Re: Damping grommet: what does it do?

On Fri, 5 Dec 97 14:08:51 -0500 Greg Schilhab <gschil@orthomed.org>
>Its not the motormounts-The front and right side were replaced and 
>they're all in great shape-the dash itself is rock solid. The ball 
>joints, tie rods and struts are all solid as well. 

Ah, but what shape are the strut bearings in?? I bet they are in need of
replacement. Some of the symptoms you described are direct indicators of
the strut bearings going bad, which, doesn't take long for them to
degrade to a worthless hump of rubber. Usually people notice them when
the bearings are hammered and are making clanking noises while comming
down the street that they live on.

What about the rear tranny mount?? That one might seem like its ok, but
it's not. The rubber in them get really soft and transmit alot of
vibrations into the chassis. Its also the closest mount to the steering
rack. That could be the reason for some of the steering wheel vibration. 

>Is there some mechanism which uncouples the steering shaft from the 
>vibration of the engine? 

There are rubber mounts that hold the steering rack to the chassis. I
think these are worth looking at for possible replacement. 

>Looking at the exploded view in the Bentley, I 
>see something called the Damping Grommet which is mounted on the 
>universal joint shaft. Is this it?

I dunno. sorry.

> Also the steering column bearing and 
>the shaft bushing if worn would need to be replaced, no? 

These will be bad if you have lateral play in the steering wheel.
(Movement left and right ect.) usually these bearings simply fall out at
the bottom and this is the reason for the play. 

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
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