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Re: Violations and such

> Lemme just ask one question...
> 	Does any one of us have a Scirocco that *hasn't* been hit, vandalized, or
> stolen in the last 6 months? I'm getting scared, and that alarm is sounding
> better every day.

    ME  =)  I recently painted the car, just over a year ago and since
then I hardly ever drive it, and if I do, I park it out in the boondocks.
If I do decide to go somewhere for long periods of time where I am not
able to keep an eye on the car, I take my sisters car instead.  Arent
sisters wonderful  =)  BTW, I have been broken into once about 4 years
back in which someone tried to steal my MOMO steering wheel, but didnt
have any success.  Its kinda funny, cuz last night I had a dream that
I forgot to turn on my alarm and when I got back to the car my steering
wheel was missing.  Get an alarm with a backup battery or put the 
battery in the trunk so as to confuse the wouldbewrongdoers.


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