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Re: Y'know what I saw that was funny?

> I have to say that this is becoming a bit of a VW snob thread.
> I think VWs are great and all but I don't think that they are
> exclusive enough to give us the right to put down other
> people's non-VW project cars.
> I commend anybody who takes a little initiative to fix
> up their stock car and make something a little different
> out of it, be it a Ford Festiva or a dodge omni.

      I basically agree except the for the fact that some people
choose project cars that arent well supported in the aftermarket industry.
With VW in mind, just about any VW has a billion aftermarket components
that are available, making it easy to customize your car to look like no
other.  Granted you can go down to your local Schucks and get White Wheel
Covers, Euro Rear View Mirrors that take up the entire length of the
windshild, Blazingly Bright Stickers, Little Reflectors That Go In The
Door, Designer Mudflaps, MultiColored Antennas, Red WindShield Wipers, and
Cheap AfterMarket Tint.  I am truely sorry but I cant help but laugh at
those people.  Perhaps it is not so much what they drive, but that their
taste is so poor.  Granted it costs quite a bit of money to do up a car
real well, but why spend a handfull of money to make it look worse than
stock.  Around here, cars that are all done up in neon stickers and cheap
ground effects are called "Schucksized" and are more an eyesore than
asthetically pleasing.  Perhaps this is just my Opinion, but then again
Opinions are like Assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!  =)
  I once had a friend who was so in love with is 4 door grand am that he
was willing to spend 14k on getting a new motor put in it.  To each his
own I say.  Strange enough, he always wanted to drive my car  ;)  HAHAHAHA


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