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FW: What is a Scirocco CL ??

Robert von Bismarck
Petrel Communications SA
Tel : (022) 820 22 22
Fax : (022) 300 48 43
E-mail : rvb@petrel.ch

-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert von Bismarck 
Sent:	Wednesday, August 20, 1997 5:05 PM
To:	'6keb1@qlink.queensu.ca'
Subject:	RE: What is a Scirocco CL ??

Well, mine has the Scirocco lettering under the aft spoiler, but I have
two big headlights and two smaller high beams inside of them, as well as
washers for the headlights (no wipers, just the washers) on two
protruding horns on the front bumper.

	Robert von Bismarck wrote:
	>         Subject says it all. I was passed on the highway by a 
	> Scirocco CL. It was a MkII, but I've never heard of that
	> I've seen GT, Gti, GTX and 16V. I've seen CL on quite a lot of
	> (Rabbits for the US guys), but never, ever on a Scirocco. Is
that some 
	> kind of special edition ?

	The only CL I've ever heard of was a model sold in England when
	MKIIs came out. It was the cheap entry level car with a 1.5
litre 70 
	bhp carb engine. You didn't see british plates on the car? 

	When the Scirocco MkII first came out, there where many trim
	available on the European continent including L, LS, GL, GLS,
	GT, GTi and later GTX!  At first, the fuel-injected cars where
	the GLI and GTI, with the others carburetted. Trim levels are
	recognizable by the front lights and other subtle changes. 
	Cheaper cars just have a large rectangular headlamps. Better
	apponted cars have these lights supplemented by smaller
	innner lights (a.k.a the 'Euro lights' as we call them in North
	The GT models in Germany (does yours?) have four smaller but
	sized headlamps (same design as the NOrth American headlights)
	the Scirocco name decal in the rear glass below the small
	spoiler, etc....

	'88 16v
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