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Re: 16v Crankcase Ventilation Problem?!!!!?
On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Shawn C. Meze wrote:
> if you can tap on black plastic, then you got one. If you can see the
> cam, you dont.
got one, 86 motor and head.....
> What I did was stuff a little bit of steel wool inside the plastic
> thing so the oil would condense on it instead flowing into the airbox.
Interesting......the oil sticks to the metal....damn good idea...
> The Potterman uses a catch tank (An old brake fluid bottle) for his
> Rocco. I devised a way to make one so it would be stock looking and
> drainable. I decided against it since there is limited space in that
> ares of my car as it is.
How does your setup work Potterman???
> >Why does it do this?(You should have seen the K&N that I pulled out of
> the
> >rocco....unsalvageable.......)
> >Eric
> Uh, the K&N filter is a wet filter. All you should have done was clean
> it, re-oil and reinstall it. Did you throw it away?? (Yikes!)
> HTH!
> Shawn
Insert classic Homer "DOOOOOOOOHHHHH".....that damn filter looked sooooo
bad that I tossed it.....(found out later what K&N meant....ahhh...just
get a new one here soon.......(car has been sitting for a year
Thanks for the info Shawn(you and mannix should write a book)....gonna be
doing my swap here soon(month or so)...hopefully I'll have some before and
after pics on my website.....later all.....
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