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Re: Gains from racing headers
At 12:07 AM 9/23/96 +0600, you wrote:
>I heard that in drag racing (not that I approve of it...autox rules!), 100
>pounds cut off your car translates into .1 seconds off your time. A header
>is supposedly almost that much lighter than a downpipe/manifold combo, which
>gives you that .1 time in drag. Plus, you do get like 2-3 more ontop of
>that from the better flow, but after measuring all of the down-sides to
>them, I'll never touch one.
>Drag racing is for people who don't know how to steer.
>Chris Taylor
Dont knock drag racing until you/ve tried it!! Im not talking about the
eligal dangerous shit on the streets either. (Most kids cant steer as you
articulated making them a total danger to other law obiding drivers) Go
enter into a legit drag race and tell me its easy! It's not, there is alot
to think about when your up there. Your input to the vehicles controls will
dictate how well the car performs. ITS ALL UP TO YOU! How good is your
reaction? Now get out there on the LINE and show everybody! Its not as easy
as it would seem my friend.
On the other hand, I am an avid autoxer/road racer. Drag racing to me, is
boring. Especially in a 4 banger!! (I drove my uncles alcohol funnycar in
the late 80's in ridgcrest. 8.43@155mph ho-ho-ho-ho...... manly power!!) I
get more satisfaction (and seat time) running on the autox course. The best
part is I get to drive my race car home, to work, to the store!!
Oh, to get back on topic a bit, it was I that said 100 lbs is equal to
1/10th of a second. Shaving that much weight off of a car saves you that
much time. (Its a math thingie...) Changing to the header wont do much in
drag racing weight wise. In autoxing, you might feel a slight difference but
only if your really acostomed to your car.
Performance wise, the header is worth a few more ponies. The great debate on
headers is whether they're worth the cost vs. their longevity.
It depends on the person, the car and the bank account.............
DSP 30
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