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Re: Tire pressures and curb stories
At 10:25 AM 10/19/96 +0600, you wrote:
>Hello all!
>My TP's? I use 36 in front and 42 in rear on my SP8000's (Z's.). Anybody
>care to comment on that?
YES..... I...... DO.......! Whatever works for you, man.
I run 28 front and 30 rear on my 15X7's with 195/50's.
My Yoko race tires are a bit different. 13X6's with 205/60R13's with 42-45
front (depends on the temp of the track) and 46-48 rear.
Just so you guys know (for those who dont) all radials dont flex like the
old Bais tires did. Adding pressure does not raise the center of the tire
like it used to. What it does do is adds regidity to the sidewalls. so if
you have a low profile tire, you can get away with lower tire pressures and
still have a performance advantage in the corners. Taller sidewalls will
need more pressure for better performance but by adding more tire pressure
for the street use, you loose some handling and comfort.
What this means to the daily driver:
Stick within a few pounds (+/-) of manufacture recomendation pressures. I
like to run my street tires a few pounds more that gives me a little more
corner grip.
>Oh please! I can top that story! My friend and I (Brady-has an '85 8v
>Scirocco) in the off season of autox,
I dont wanna top that story, but will share my curb experience anyways.
(dont worry, ill keep it short)
There I was, back in March of this year when........
I just bought a set of used Pannisport look alike rims (Laguna) with 2 sets
of racing tires. Yoko 185/60R13's were already on the rims and they had a
thick bead of rubber around the center from the previous owner, who road
raced a Scirocco. The other set was Yoko 205/60R13's. I decided to use the
185/60 tires for autoxing and wanted to get a feel for the tires since they
were smaller size than what I was using as well as remove the rubber build
up. I did what I have done before, gone to the highschool parking lot and
set up a mini-mini circle track. I ran a few hot laps in second gear in one
direction and then ran it in the other direction to be sure the rubber had
been worn off the tires. (Sheriff deputy watched me do it. said the car
looked good thru the turns...) When I finished hot lapping, I eased off and
let it coast thru another lap and when I came out of what would of been turn
4 to exit the lot, I went a little wide and hit some sand that I must of
pushed out of the driving line. The back end snapped and all I could do was
try and gas it to let it spin past the curb. No dice, smacked the curb with
the left rear tire, rolled the car almost onto the door, hung there for
about an hour, it felt like, and slammed back on the wheels.
All I did was bend the rear axle. Pushed it into the wheel well. I also bent
one spoke on my newly purchased laguna wheel. Wasted the tire, shreaded the
hell out of it. Mr Deputy was kind enough to call a tow truck for me and I
took it home. Next day I got a replacement rear axle, took all my wheels to
get stripped of the old paint, fixed the damaged wheel and had my other set
of racing tires put on the rims.
Changing the axle was perfect since I had just bought a set or braided
stainless steel brake lines and to install the rear, the axle needs to come
Total damage cost was $200.00 but I got a much nicer set of wheels than I
started with. I also got to learn how to remove and install the rear axle!!
(Its really easy!)
Thats my story, my story which is mine!
No, I didnt get a ticket either but he does remind me of of it when ever I
see him. (He races a Camaro!!)
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