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Re: trade list anyone?

Yes,please..I don't always have a chance to browse the newsgroups and 
would appreciate any for sale or for available items posted here...and 
maybe also on the lists's homepage..if its not too much work to burden 
Mute0 =] I also checkthe Scirocco homepage for new sales items also.

i've already mentioned my car bra thats still for sale,and I may have
some other goodies soon if the deal with EAS's scirocco goes through that 
I'll strip off my daily driver.

|Ryan Schuermann			       ryan@nwpros.com|
|Technical Analyst			      zqft01@amoco.com|
|PARANET, Inc.				schuermann@paranet.com|
|Pager:713-764-3467			http://www.paranet.com|			
|Work:713-626-4800		   http://www.nwpros.com/~ryan|

On Wed, 16 Oct 1996 Mute0@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 96-10-16 00:49:10 EDT, you write:
> >I'll trade you my 82 Scirocco seats and a frozen snickers bar for the
> tranny.
> >Deal?
> >
> >Shawn
> haha I like it! No for real... if anyone has any trade.. post them!
> I hope i can speak for the group in saying that it wouldn't be to commercial
> for the groupe to have a trade list?
> --
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