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Re: Pin Striping and Ronal Rims

At 09:00 AM 11/6/96 PST, you wrote:
>About removing pin striping, I removed both aftermarket and original pin 
>striping with (as he said) a very sharp razorblade.  The original was so old 
>that it just chipped right off, and was extremely easy to do (just be ultra 
>careful to keep that blade parallel to the surface, and make sure you have a 
> -steady- hand).

Also you could take a popcycle stick and shave an edge into it and use it as
a scraper. it wont scratch the paint as bad as a ill placed razor will. Be
sure to rty and sopten the striping first. Just an idea. 

>You know Ronal used to (maybe they still do, anybody know ...?) these 
>~adorable~ teddy bear rims (they're just the cutest things - you hide the 
>lugs under a plate, and the plate is held in by a bolt in the teddy bears 
>navel :)  I wanted to put them on my Fox Wagen, what could be nicer.... ?
>Then I sold it.
>If I buy a Cabrio, I'm putting them on !!!
>I guess this must be a 'Girl Thing'......

They still do and the new wheels have more detail! The pads on the feet and
paws, eyes and mouth are painted black so you can really see them at a
distance. I dont like them, but on the right car, they would be ok. I think
they would look great on a Cabrio since that car is basically meant for the
ladies. (They were the targeted intended buyers) 

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