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Re: ferfegnugen (may be offensive)

>Rich Garrett
>12/13/96 10:42 AM
>One of the shops at the local outdoor mall has a bunch of shirts with
>FAHRVERGNUGEN derivatives, and appropriate stick figure pictures. Pretty
>Farfromjonesin	a blurry stick guy with a bong
>Phishengruven	a stick guy singing with a microphone and a canister 
>(I hate Phish,  so I don't know what this means)Farfromsober	a stick 
>with a beer and little bubbles over his head
>Farfromcomin	two stick figures doggie style
>Farfrompoopin	a stick guy on the john
>Fukenshreddin	a stick guy on a snowboard
>They have umlats on some of the vowels and stuff, but ascii has problems
>recreating that.
>Pretty amusing when you see 'em!
>'87 16v

Theres a bunch of that here also. Its amusing. 
I have used the stick guy in my racing team logo that I printed on some 
T-shirts a while ago.
The name of the team is:
POORBOY Racing Team"
featuring the stick guy standing there in front of a big VW emblem and is 
pulling out his pant pockets. I have an origional old pic I can send if the 
verbal didnt get you the visual you need. It was scanned from a shirt b
ut the logo is improved over the old one. Much better line quality. 
The way I see it, everybody that owns a VW is on my team!

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